Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Am I Really?

...afraid of commitment!?!

I just heard this by text message last night from a friend! I joke about it but I hadn't thought that it was actually true...

It seems that commitments are a problem for me lately! I'm now 30 and still single. I don't own a house, I have issues making concrete plans and I only date guys for 3 dates or less. So, I guess that I do have a problem with commitments.

This has not always been the case. I used to be the friend that you could count on to make the weekend plans on Monday morning. I loved to know what was going on in my life and the more concrete answers that I could get the better. But, somewhere along the last five years, I've been the friend that has been labeled "afraid of commitment"! As any good theory, this one is probably more complicated than I give it credit. I really believe that we develop behaviors based on past experiences, either consciously or uncounsciously. Deep down, I think that I've been convinced that no commitment has been long lasting enough. I haven't stayed in the same place for more than 3 years since college, with the exception for a few friends, they come and go depending on location and life situation, and none of my relationships have been long-lasting! All this has proved to me not to commit.

But, now I have some people in my life pushing for commitment, at least more than the "what are you doing this weekend" commitment. "I should buy a house", "I should date this boy", "I should make New Year's plans"...Seriously

Why did the "boy" disease of no commitment phobia hit me?!?

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